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Fishing regulations

Closed seasons, catch sizes and catch quotas

The following catch sizes, catch quotas and closed are in force in Finland.

The length of a fish is measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the caudal fin with the lobes straightened and compressed together.

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Trout with adipose fin

Fully protected in all sea areas.

Fully protected in inland waters south of latitude 64°00’ N. Not applicable to trout caught from brooks or ponds with no migratory connection from the sea or a lake.

Rivers and brooks: 1st Sept. to 30th Nov.

Minimum 50 cm in waters north of latitude 67°00’ N

Minimum 60 cm in other areas where fishing is permitted

Maximum 45 cm in brooks or ponds with no migratory connection from the sea or a lake

Adipose fin-clipped trout

Rivers and brooks: 1st Sept. to 30th Nov.

Minimum 50 cm


Rivers and brooks: 1st Sept. to 30th Nov.

NOTE! Due to EU regulations, stricter rules regarding closed seasons or bag limits may apply in the Baltic Sea. Check for more information.

Minimum 60 cm, in the Bothnian Bay north of latitude 63°30’ N 50 cm

Quota for recreational fishing

2 salmon/day/person

NOTE! Due to EU regulations, stricter rules regarding closed seasons or bag limits may apply in the Baltic Sea. Check for more information.

Landlocked salmon with adipose fin

Fully protected in the Vuoksi and Hiitolanjoki water systems.

Rivers and brooks: 1st Aug. to 30th Nov.

Minimum 60 cm

Adipose fin-clipped landlocked salmon

Vuoksi water areas as specified in the Chart Annexe to the Fishing Decree: 1st Jun. to 31st Aug.

Rivers and brooks: 1st Aug. to 30th Nov.

Minimum 60 cm

Quota for recreational fishing: 1 salmon/day/person in the Vuoksi water system

Arctic char

Fully protected in Lake Kuolimo and in Lake Saimaa within the area between Puumalansalmi Sound and the head of River Vuoksi (Vuoksenniska).

Elsewhere in the Vuoksi water system: 1st Sept. to 30th Nov.

Minimum 60 cm in the Vuoksi water system

Minimum 45 cm in Lake Inarinjärvi


Fully protected in sea areas.

Inland waters south of latitude 67°00’ N: 1st April to 31st May

Minimum 35 cm south of and 30 cm north of latitude 67°00’ N


Rivers and brooks emptying into the sea: 1st Sept. to 30th Nov.




Minimum 42 cm*

European eel


NOTE! Due to EU regulations recreational fishing of eel is prohibited in the Baltic Sea in 2024.

Noble crayfish

Signal crayfish

Narrow-clawed crayfish

1.11.–21.7. klo 12

* Zander caught by commercial fishermen at all sea areas except the Gulf of Finland has a minimum size of 40 cm.

PLEASE NOTE! Permitted catch sizes may varydue to regional decisions. The length of a fish is measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the caudal fin with the lobes straightened and compressed together.

Areas specified in the Chart Annexe to the Fishing Decree can be found here.