Contact Us

The Federation of Finnish Fisheries Associations

Our office is located at Malmi, in Helsinki. 

Malmin kauppatie 26
00700 Helsinki
phone: 09-6844 590
e-mail: kalastus(at)

Office hours:
weekdays 9.00 – 15.00

Vesa Karttunen

Managing Director

Captain of the Federation,
navigating on the route mapped out by the Executive Board

phone: (+358) 9 6844 5926

Järjestöasiantuntija Mikko Malin

Risto Vesa

Specialist of Organisational Development

Fishing supervision,
Water right ownership

phone: (+358) 44 7577 979

Rasmus Åkerblom


Legal advicing

phone: +358 400 234 780

Malin Lönnroth

Fisheries Biologist

Commercial Fisheries,
Baltic Sea cooperation

phone: (+358) 40 5960 808

Tapio Gustafsson

Cummunications Specialist

Communication and publications,

phone:  (+358) 44 4931 457

Niina Koivunen

Fisheries And Environmental Care Specialist

Fisheries and environmental care,
Fish diseases

phone: (+358) 9 6844 5926

Heidi Moisio


Web shop,
Magazine and publication registers

phone: (+358) 9 6844 5915

Riitta Rintala

Accounts Manager

Economic affairs,

phone: (+358) 9 6844 5920